Monday, August 5, 2013


Yeah right!  I’m not a sceptic.  Logic dictates.

Here’s a question:

1.     Why do seconds seem like minutes?

One simple mystery to unravel; who do you think you are? Who can spell out the intricacies of complicated things or show what entails complicated things?

I won’t digress, as I usually do.  Yall know me.  Yall know what I’m thinking.  With god all things are possible but there are only so many possibilities available to us at this time. One day everything will be possible.

Don’t think until you can answer the question accurately.

This technique is effective in getting some peace and quiet; I’m the best bridler this side of the Mississippi.

I heard somebody remind themselves of this today.

1.     Loving another person makes you happy.  The mere possibility that the other person loves you back is enough for now.  This may be the sweet spot of a relationships:  the moment of uncertainty and hope.

And this:

2.     It takes a seasoned eye to see the potential in another person’s talent and ideas.  Today you will recognize in others the very things you have developed in yourself.

Unfortunately I heard this:

3.     Your best will be better than enough.  The important thing to remember today is not to get overwhelmed, because that mode is paralyzing. Stay positive and happy, and keep moving.

Then somebody had the nerve to tell me this:

4.     Small nuisances, like dripping water or piles of household mail, are dangerous if ignored.  Handle little things, and the big things will come together today. (WTF!)

Because you love yourself, you’ll do things that are good for you and be a role model for others.  Everything falls in line from there.  So dare to love yourself.   


Friday, August 2, 2013



In this dog eat dog world that is a journey to most of us, us who pretend that it’s a great adventure, must have reminders.  We have to speak to ourselves.  We spend too much time speaking it to the wrong person.  We are attempting to show how caring and kind we are.  Useless! Utter uselessness!

The message is falling on deaf ears.  Knowing this, what should you do?  Get frustrated?  Become negative?  That’s pretty much all you can do.  Getting frustrated and becoming negative presents a brand new set of problems to resolve.  (resolve because who wants to continue overcoming the rest of their life?)

The victory of overcoming was great and sweet in our less mature days.  We’ve grown, we’ve matured, we’re seasoned.  Basically we need different endeavors.  I digress. 

On this adventure that we seem to enjoy more and more cause victory is so sweet.  And the spoils are satisfying.  We have to realize that we are the only one here who needs our advice, will listen to our advice and we are the only ones that our advice are effective on.  At this point our advice is mutually exclusive to us in the endeavor.  The journey is over for us.

I started the journey ministering to myself while respecting what god was doing in others lives.  I believe my ministry is a big part of the reason for my success. 

I am delighted to share with yall some of the nonsense that I shared with myself.  Don’t attempt to use it on yourself but do share it in conversation with others.  You may laugh at it.  Scoff, if you need.  You may pick it apart.  You may put the spot light on it.  You may put it under the microscope.  Yall get it.  Have at it.  Do what you do!

Here are some of the things that I’ve told myself in talking to myself.

1.     Sometimes  you wonder, but there’s no need to doubt or fear:  You are the right person for the position you are in.  How do you know?  Because you’re in the position.  Do your best, and it will be more than good enough. 

2.     It is said that  “love enters through the eyes”.  Whether this love is fresh or came about many years ago, your eyes will be delighted by the sight of a certain someone. 

3.     The effort involved in trying to impress someone will always have the payoff of accomplishing the exact opposite!

4.     The feelings exchanged in an interaction are more important than any other thing being exchanged.

5.     What happens today occurs because of the mental energy you bring to your surroundings and the people in them.

6.     Don’t give an interesting opinion; give your opinion in an interesting way.

7.     There is no greater lifeskill than living w/o an agenda.

8.     You can be afraid of something and want it at the same time.  But if you are going to get it, your want has to outweigh your fear.  Immerse yourself in thoughts of what you want—It will take away the anxiety.

9.     Stay in your lane!

10.  Be obsessed w/o being a damned fool.

11.    You have perfect religion while everybody else serves a good god.

All this worked out to be sage advice for me.  How’s it working out for you?  And please feel free to share what you should be telling yourself!